WALT: Write a recount.
Yesterday was the beginning of the second term. At 8:50 the whole school made their way to the school hall for our immersion assembly. The reason everyone was on the way to the hall because there was a special event happening, the event was more like a big welcome back to us students and teachers. We watched different kind of items from other teachers. There were five performance. The assembly was about our topics for this term. The teachers were dressing up according to their topics. I loved the way they dressed up, beacuse it made me to understand each of their topics.
One of the teams that I have enjoyed was the team 5s play. Team 5 is going to be doing some arts around our waka. Their play today was very interesting. Characters were Te Aurere, Hikianalia, Hine moana, also Hokulea. Mrs Berry played as Te Aurere, Mrs Tela played as Hine moana, Mrs Sadler played for Hikianalia, and last but not least the winner Mrs Garden playing for Hokulea, Mrs Clark was the speaker for the act. In the play was four wakas that were having a race, so they all started to line up. When Mrs Clark said “GO”. Vakas paddled as fast as they could. “ Te Aurere and hikianalia were coming last” ohhh there goes Hine moana and Hokulea in the lead, yes at first is the winner HOKULEA!!!. We all cheered. “ THE WINNER IS HOKULEA”!!
I felt very excited before the play. Every actor was wearing the colour of their waka. Mrs Berry was wearing a red Lava Lava and holding a paddle, Mrs Sadler was wearing a yellow t -shirt and a yellow lava lava, Mrs Tela was wearing a blue t - shirt with a bottom blue samoa skirt and a box that was her waka, it looked so beautiful with her fan and her paint on her face. Mrs Garden was wearing everything green her hair green, her t - shirt, her pants and she brought a santa sack bag. Team 5 act out our learning for this term.
Out of all the teachers Mrs Telea was the most statuesque one out of all. Once team 5 teachers finished their item we all gave them a applause. Mrs Telea one of the teachers from team 5(which was so stunning)told the whole school that we are going to learn and do some art things about the four wakas.